The latest from Ralf Illenberger is a stunning change in pace from the serenity of Sedona, his previous entry. Though still experimenting with unusual harmonies, this album ramps up the intensity with a little more emphasis on rhythm and percussion, and even some electric guitar and keyboard touches. It’s easily his most exotic-sounding work since his solo debut on Narada ten years ago, and in my opinion, his best since 1993’s Soleil. Some of this material features the kind of complexity that most of us would expect to hear in a
movie score, as opposed to a more mainstream instrumental album, and in places it reminded me very much of Mike Oldfield’s very experimental Ommadawn. Highly recommended!
- The Gateway (5:25)
- Cosmic Boogie (6:28)
- Wide Open (3:57)
- Blue Planet (5:15)
Caveland (7:24)
- Someone’s Coming (5:16)
- Electric Storm (5:40)
- The Winged Isis (7:42)
Released by: in joy music
Release date: 1998
Total running time: 47:48