The “Lost” Star Trek Characters

Star TrekIn previous ToyBox columns, I have complained long and hard about how Playmates failed to produce action figures of some of the more popular latter-day Star Trek characters. This is very, very true. However, it was brought to my attention that I was wrong on one count – and it was also brought to my attention that Playmates isn’t the only source of the occasional new Trek character in plastic.

Star Trek Seven of Nine figure - photo copyright 2000 Earl Green / theLogBook.comStar Trek Ezri Dax figure - photo copyright 2000 Earl Green / theLogBook.comThe Seven of Nine figure seen at right was a 1998 exclusive to Target stores under Playmates’ “Starfleet Command” subset, which also included 4.5″ First Contact/Insurrection uniformed variations of Picard, Riker, Troi, Dr. Crusher, and Worf. This version of seven – the only 4.5″ scale version produced – was very clearly sculpted from Paramount’s earliest publicity photos of the character, which posed her as provocatively as possible. The figure’s pose is most un-Seven-like, even though the detailing of her Borg gear is fairly intricate.

Now…the real surprise. The Ezri Dax figure is a one-of-a-kind custom figure created by “The Bounty Hunter,” a figure collector/ customizer from Canada. I asked him for some background on how this Ezri figure was created, and the resulting article is forthcoming.

Star Trek Seven of Nine figure - photo copyright 2000 Earl Green / theLogBook.comStar Trek Ezri Dax figure - photo copyright 2000 Earl Green / theLogBook.comI’m speculating that the body is probably from the aforementioned Starfleet Command variations of either Troi or Crusher. I’ve no idea where the head is from, or if it’s a custom sculpt; either way, it’s very close, and I’m exceedingly happy to complete my set of DS9 regular cast members – even if I did have to wait for someone to make a customized version!

Star Trek Ezri Dax and Seven of Nine figures - photo copyright 2000 Earl Green / theLogBook.comStar Trek Seven of Nine figure - photo copyright 2000 Earl Green /