Babylon 5: The Fall of Night

Babylon 5: The Fall of Night soundtrackEasily my favorite of the Babylon 5 episodic CDs to date, this is the soundtrack to the pivotal second season finale in which, as typically happens on Babylon 5’s season finales, the fictional stakes are raised beyond all belief. The crowning glory of this particular score is the cue which accompanies the unveiling of Ambassador Kosh, heralded with sampled choir, appropriate to Kosh’s appearance as an angelic being.

The Fall Of Night is the first in Sonic Images’ second line of Babylon 5 episodic soundtracks, and opens up a couple of new problems with this series of CDs. More often than not, the first series of Babylon 5 episodic discs arrived without the customary liner notes booklets, forcing listeners to send e-mail to Sonic Images for free copies of the booklets. The six discs comprising the second lineup of episodic soundtracks eliminate that problem in a rather unsatisfactory way – by squishing the entire text of both pages of the booklet into a “ring” printed on the inside of the tray card, which can be read through the clear plastic of the 4 out of 4disc tray. Read, that is, if one has a microscope. Fortunately, the same liner notes are also available on Sonic Images’ web site, where they can be printed out much more legibly. My continuing gripes with Sonic Images’ packaging aside, the music alone makes The Fall Of Night the most worthwhile purchase of Babylon 5’s episodic soundtracks.

Order this CD

  1. Good Shooting (0:35)
    Warning Signs (0:32)
    Main Title (1:30)
  2. Big Space Introduction (0:17)
    Keffer On Bridge (0:35)
    Keffer & Mitch (1:02)
    Narn Ship Contact (0:33)
  3. Silent Mysteries (0:29)
    G’Kar On His Way (0:31)
    The Nightwatch (1:24)
    Mission Explained (0:55)
  4. On Location (0:28)
    History Unfolding (3:26)
  5. Keffer Breaks Away (0:46)
    Kosh Unveiled (5:17)
  6. Ivanova’s Closing Statement (2:18)
    End Title (0:46)

Released by: Sonic Images
Release date: 1998
Total running time: 22:45