A month or three ago, I remember being a little annoyed at how similar most of the tracks sound on the soundtrack from Earth: Final Conflict. If that show’s producers wanted an example of how to make good, distinct music with an “alien” sound, they should’ve studied this gem from Fox’s critically-acclaimed, fan-adored and prematurely-canned science fiction series which is now a decade old.
It’s hard to believe that Matt and George graced our screens some ten years ago, but even so, the music – which was handed off between David Kurtz and the team of Steve Dorff and Larry Herbstritt for alternating episodes – is fresh, alive, and innovative. (The pilot episode, scored by Joe Harnell of V and Incredible Hulk fame, is not represented on this CD.)
Alien Nation did something that virtually no other SF series has done with its musical voice – it made very frequent use of a choral component singing in an alien tongue. No other show has ever come close to approaching this unique sound. A mixed choir gives many of this album’s tracks an otherworldly but organic flavor, swinging the pendulum from almost-Gregorian-chant-like subtlely to the near-religious-revelation of “The Ceremony” (a cue from Three To Tango). In suspenseful moments, the voices suddenly leap out of the background to nail the moment with a primal shriek.
There are a few more traditionally SF cues, such as A”stronomical Discovery” (from the eerie Joe Menosky-written Contact episode) as well, but the producers of this album wisely made the decision to exploit Alien Nation’s otherworldly sound.
And even ten years down the road, this stuff doesn’t sound dated. Not unlike the sorely-missed series which used to feature this music.
- Prologue and Main Title (1:43)
- Generation To Generation (0:40)
- Return To Tencton (3:54)
- One Hot Heinrick (0:52)
- Tenctonolian Mode Groove (1:39)
- Astronomical Discovery (1:14)
- Tailing A Wimp (0:43)
- Howdy, Pod (4:03)
- Alien Animal Activists (1:31)
- A New Beginning (2:28)
- In Your Life (2:25)
- Confrontation (0:53)
- The Monastery Three (1:05)
- George Entertains (1:12)
- The Ceremony (1:39)
- Touch Heads (1:25)
- Presents (1:32)
- George Warms Up (3:08)
- Resolution (1:07)
- Slag Pop (0:55)
- Spaced-Out Lover (1:37)
- Sneak Attack (1:05)
- Jenny’s Story (1:32)
- Sensuality (0:53)
- Cathy’s Story (2:35)
- The Alley (1:12)
- Memory Of An Old Game (2:16)
- George Gets It (0:47)
- Susan: Assassin (2:27)
- Proud Fathers (2:20)
- Prologue and Main Title reprise (1:43)
Released by: GNP Crescendo
Release date: 1990
Total running time: 53:11