Pop Culture Retrorama Podcast Ep. 01 (Holiday Special 2018)

3 min read

Hello there, friends – welcome to the first episode of the Pop Culture Retrorama Podcast! I know what you must surely be thinking…Vic…why in the world would you try creating yet another podcast? That is a valid question and the answer is this came about because of necessity. While the podcasts I am affiliated with cover horror movies, arcade and video games, old time radio shows, and even an upcoming one that focuses on classic animated shorts – what do I do when I get the itch to release a podcast talking about The Transformers? That is why the Pop Culture Retrorama podcast was created and since this is most definitely the Season – our first episode happens to be a Holiday Special!

From all across the internet I have been fortunate enough to receive audio submissions from friends of the former Retroist site – each discussing their favorite Holiday memory. For this Holiday Special we have recollections focusing on beloved Star Wars toys to favorite television specials and even Family gatherings. I even manage to squeeze in my own memory of those glorious Shogun Warriors toys from the late ’70s!

Video Courtesy of The Museum of Classic Chicago Television.

Besides those Holiday recollections I have done my best to add vintage audio treats for your listening pleasure. While I may happen to be the sole host on this particular podcast – I’ve no doubt you will be entertained by all of the hard work our friends have put into the show itself.

Now then, let me give thanks to the generous individuals who shared their memories for this Holiday Special:

Allison Venezio can be found writing for this very site as well as Facebook and her own site – Allison’s Written Words.

Ashley Thomas aka The Nerdy Blogger also has set up a spot on the internet for you to check out.

Gary Burton and Lon Mills can frequently be seen sharing various vintage items of interest over at the Retroist Clubhouse on Facebook.

Last but not least, The Robot’s Pajamas has not only a Facebook page but a website of his very own.

A very Happy Holidays to you, friends! Now grab a plate of cookies and a glass of eggnog and enjoy this 2018 Holiday Special for the Pop Culture Retrorama Podcast!

As this is the first episode and the 2018 Holiday special at that – bear in mind future episodes will be different – focusing on a specific subject. If you have any suggestions for topics you would like for us to cover in a future episode -or comments on the current show itself, email them to me at VicSagePopCulture@gmail.com

You can also contact me on Twitter and on Facebook. In addition I certainly hope you will take the time to visit the Saturday Frights Facebook Page. There you can find posts from Rockford Jay, Preston Griffith and myself on a daily basis. The theme used at the beginning and ending of this episode was provided by Earl Green, if you enjoy his work, make sure to check out his exceptional spot on the internet – TheLogBook.com – let him know we sent you.

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