Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast Ep. 036 – Pac Land

3 min read

For this latest episode of the Diary of an Arcade Employee podcast I tackle Pac-Land – the side-scrolling platformer release by Namco in 1984. This is yet another title that I sadly didn’t get to enjoy at the Showbiz Pizza of my youth or at one of the local arcades in my neck of the woods. As I mention in the show itself I didn’t get to play it until 1997’s Namco Museum Volume 4 for the Playstation – although thankfully the arcade received a cabaret cabinet a couple of years back. Pac-Land has most certainly become one of my favorite arcade games at the arcade – it’s also worth pointing out that there are some elements of the gameplay that would be echoed by Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros. a mere year later. Pac-Land features multiple power-up’s and some impressive platforming – all in the attempt to help Pac-Man get a lost fairy home!

This is also one of the few arcade titles where you can see a church!

In the show I make sure to cover the basics of the gameplay for Pac-Land as well as the team that helped usher the game into existence. In addition I cover the legacy in video games of those creators where applicable – like Hiroshi Ono who just so happened to have had a hand in the designing of another Namco classic arcade title – 1982’s Xevious.

Pac-Land in my honest opinion is truly an exceptional game and one that doesn’t get the amount of love that it rightfully deserves. One of the reasons I chose it as the game to cover in this episode is the many secrets it has – for example – pushing on a fire hydrant at a certain spot in the game will reward a Player with a power-up, etc. It’s almost like peeling an onion, when you think you’ve discovered everything there remains another layer to surprise you. I hope that after listening to this particular show you’ll check out Pac-Land yourself and you might see why I find it so special.

Oh, I should mention that on this episode I am joined by a very special guest – none other than Henry Holder, one of the Arkadian Kids I am constantly referring to as well as the holder of many of the high scores at the arcade. He has something to share in regards to Pac-Land – a first for this show – a challenge to a fellow Player at the Arkadia Retrocade!

As always I hope you will enjoy this latest episode of the Diary of An Arcade Employee Podcast – now join us as we shine a spotlight on 1984’s Pac-Land!

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