Back when Line dancing was all the rage KOFY Bay Area TV 20 jumped into the trend with both feet (In Cowboy boots) first with a new program called aptly enough Country Dance Party. It was a spin-off of their already popular show KOFY Dance Party which was more or less a Bay Area Version of American Bandstand. It’s an institution here in The Bay and airs every Saturday night on TV 20 and has for years…
The show was a tie in with popular country music radio station KSAN which at the time was the top country/western station in the Bay Area, they’ve since switched to a classic rock format and a new name THE BONE! but that’s neither here nor there.
Anyhow, I was at a thrift store the other week and found a VHS Tape with 6 full episodes of Country Dance Party, complete with commercials! I was so stoked. Local TV commercials are my holy grail and this tape was chock-full of them.
I wanted to rip the entire thing to YouTube and save the episodes for future generations. I feel that it’s important for them to know that back in the late 80’s people in urban areas like San Francisco and San Jose would sometimes on the weekends rock spangly cowpoke shirts and fancy cowboy boots and go out to bars and dance to Randy Travis and The Gatlin Brothers but YouTube is ruthless when it comes to music copyrights so I was only able to get away with a few bits of the show and the commercials. I’m cool with that though. Those are the gold right?
Some of the highlights to me are the awesome KOFY Station ID breaks where they feature local dogs on chairs and there at the beginning is an AWESOME commercial with Chuck Norris where he utters the AMAZING line… “I don’t step on toes, I step on necks.” from his classic film, Braddock: Missing In Action III….
Anyhow, I hope you guys get something out of this. I feel like old commercials are a great way to get a blast of 80’s nostalgia. To me they give you a more realistic feeling of what it was like back in the day than the actual shows do and local commercials with all their bad acting and weird cinematography are an even more realistic look back into the past… Enjoy!
Proudly Brought To You by IseeRobots Television.
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