Saturday Frights Podcast Matinee – Creepshow – The House Of The Head

3 min read

Friends, on this new Saturday Frights podcast matinee episode – I am sticking with discussing Shudder’s new Creepshow television series on their streaming service. For this show I am tackling The House of the Head the second segment from the first episode – which originally aired on September 26th. I was a little late getting this episode out – work as usual at this time of year is really intense and to be fair, the fact that the Projectionist has been missing for nearly a month hasn’t helped matters. Although I talk a bit about it in the beginning of this podcast – strange things are occurring in the Vault… to say the very least. In truth the opportunity to talk about The House of the Head is a welcome respite from the mounting stress of the Projectionist’s disappearance – the Greg Nicotero produced ode to the first two Creepshow films was just what I needed.

As I mention in the show itself, The House of the Head is based on the short story of the same name by The Bird Box‘s Josh Malerman – in fact he provided the teleplay for this segment too. It’s an odd sounding story on paper – a little girl’s doll house is being haunted by a severed doll head – but thanks to Malerman’s teleplay as well as Director John Harrison, it is actually quite intense and creepy. Having said that the lead of this segment, Cailey Fleming who plays Evie, cannot have enough praise heaped upon her performance. She really sells her character as just an average little girl… who finds herself thrust into a supernatural horror – The House of the Head wouldn’t be nearly as good without her talent.

Just like with Gray Matter, the previous segment of Creepshow I discussed a few weeks ago – this episode goes fully into spoilers so if you’ve not seen it yet – you might want to come back after catching it. For what it might be worth I have pointed out a few of the Easter Eggs that are hidden in the episode – the nods to the original two films. Being a matinee episode… as always… it is intended to have a shorter running time and yet again this show ended up running the same as a full length episode.

Yeah, this is actually Orland Jones from American Gods… I just dig him and he is looking at a watch.

If you have any suggestions for topics you would like for us to cover in a future episode -or possibly you have comments on the current show itself, email them to me at You can also contact me on Twitter and on Facebook. In addition I certainly hope you will take the time to visit the Saturday Frights Facebook Page. There you can find posts from Rockford Jay, Preston Griffith and myself on a daily basis.

As always I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to listen to the show. So go make sure your favorite toy or figurine is okay and prepare for something creepy and nasty as we discuss The House of the Head!

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