Queen Just Released You Are The Champions – Three Fan Videos That Are Amazing!

3 min read

I do not believe that it’s unfair to say that sadly there are numerous thing you will see on the internet on a daily basis that might… get you a little down. Whether it be regarding fandom, politics, hateful thoughts and actions or Ylvis’ What Does The Fox Say? – that last one is just a joke for my Wife. The truth is that at times you just feel like switching off the computer and going down into the Vault and closing the doors behind you. Then along comes a little ray of sunshine – in this case by way of three fan videos produced by Queen – released earlier today, featuring covers of Bohemian Rhapsody, Don’t Stop Me Now, and A Kind of Magic. It turns out that Queen asked for fan submissions for Bohemian Rhapsody at some point last August. Afterwards the band then set up a site with specific instructions on the guidelines for the submissions – at least that is my understanding of it from reading this Variety article. For this first Queen Presents You Are The Champions offering we have the covers of the band’s legendary Bohemian Rhapsody – originally released on October 31st of 1975. Queen tasked DJ Earworm to take the provided submissions from 120 countries and featuring the talents of 5,491 musicians and create this beautiful video that you can now watch below.

Video Provided by Queen‘s Official YouTube Channel.

For the second of the third fan videos for You Are The Champions we have Don’t Stop Me Now from back in January of 1979 – and I am more than a little embarrassed to admit I had not heard it until 2004’s Shaun of the Dead. In my defense as I have shared in the past – when growing up, music wasn’t really present in my household -so it has taken me quite some time to sort of get caught up with the majority of the World. Back on subject, this charming video for Don’t Stop Me Now features submissions from 1,822 dancers from 121 countries – having a whole lot of fun to that 1979 song.

Video Provided by Queen‘s Official YouTube Channel.

Last but not least is a wonderful mix of 2,733 visual artists work for 1986’s A Kind of Magic which I DID hear thanks to catching 1986’s Highlander at a local Drive-In. In all honesty this is my favorite of the three Queen Presents You Are The Champions videos – but that really is because of just how much I love both this song as well as my devotion to the Highlander franchise.

Video and Article Image Provided by Queen‘s Official YouTube Channel.

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