The Mandalorian With The Theme Song From My Two Dads?

3 min read

I need to give a big thank you to Rockford Jay, my co-writer on the Saturday Frights Facebook page as well as being a frequent guest on the podcast itself. You see, he is the one that shared this rather humorous retro-styled intro to The Mandalorian… with the addition of the theme song from the ’80s sitcom My Two Dads the other day. The video itself which was created by Gareth Wood and uploaded to his Facebook page does a remarkable job of making it look like The Mandalorian had been released back in the ’80s – it has that video bleed like it has been copied from a couple of different VHS tapes. You should most definitely consider this fun little video a spoiler though if you’ve not had the pleasure of seeing The Mandalorian yet – so be warned before you hit play.

Video and Article Image Provided by Gareth Wood’s Facebook Page.

By the way, My Two Dads was quite the favorite in my household – back when it ran on NBC, starting on September 20th of 1987. For what it might be worth, my favorite character was Michael Taylor – played by Paul Reiser. Who I was quite happy to find didn’t play Taylor as the long lost brother to his character of the wormy junior executive Carter J. Burke from 1986’s Aliens. While everyone in my Family enjoyed Staci Keanan’s portrayal as Nicole Bradford – naturally – we were divided on the characters of the titular two dads. My Grandfather and myself thought Taylor was the best while my Father and Grandmother felt that the best character was Joey Harris – who was played by B.J. and the Bear‘s Greg Evigan. If you’ve not seen My Two Dads for yourself – I’ll just let you watch the intro to Season One of the series.

Video Provided by Living In Eighties YouTube Channel.

By the way, My Two Dads ran for three seasons but has not had a complete release to home media. Back in 2009 the first season was released by Shout! Factory with the second season being released the follow year – a third season collection has of yet to see the light of day.

I will be honest with you, I’ve begun to wonder if I shouldn’t tackle The Mandalorian as special episodes of the Pop Culture Retrorama podcast. It is after all hard to pick a franchise that is more ingrained in the pop culture zeitgeist than Star Wars, right? I will leave it to you though if you think I should attempt these bonus episodes or not – feel free to leave a comment for this article or just shoot me an email at!

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  1. 1

    OK effort, but it needs the Baby Yoda voiceover that explains the basic plot to be truly great.
    Still not as good as the Predator credits set to the Full House theme.

  2. 3
    Chris K.

    Greg Evigan’s show before My Two Dads, BJ and the Bear, is a way more appropriate mash-up…. I’m too lazy and don’t have the skill set to make this happen.

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