There Is Infinite Possibilities For Crisis On Infinite Earths TV Crossover!

3 min read

If I could jump into a time machine and safely navigate the timelines until I reached my youth to tell my younger self that in 2019 – not only would there be Star Wars films still being made but Marvel and DC Comics would be producing both feature films and television series – one of them being 1985’s Crisis on Infinite Earths… I’d get shot in the face. Because Dark Future Vic Sage has already traveled back in that timeline and warned my younger self – instructing me if this day came I was to take the PKD gun beneath the bed and empty it into this future interloper. Since I don’t have access to a time machine I will just have to share how absolutely exciting the final trailer for the CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earths is with you – the network certainly appears to be pulling out all the stops with this television crossover event. In fact it begins in just four more days and will give us DC Comics fans the opportunity to see the likes of John Wesley Shipp playing his version of Barry Allen from CBS’ The Flash from back in 1990 once again. In addition to Burt Ward who it sounds like will be playing his character of Robin from the Batman ’66 TV series… and then there is LEGENDARY Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy… getting to play Kingdom Come‘s Bruce Wayne!

That is FAR from the only guest star that will be showing up to try and stop Anti-Monitor from wiping out the multiverse – you also have Brandon Routh who is playing the Superman from Kingdom Come. There are more two more actors playing the Man of Steel – Tom Welling and Erica Durance from Smallville will be showing up as Superman and Lois Lane. Of course you also have Tyler Hoechlin who will be playing Superman too – since that is his role on the Supergirl CW series. In fact I saw a photograph online the other day that shows Routh’s Man of Steel choking Hoechlin’s Superman… considering the Kingdom Come timeline – that is par for the course.

There is even more, like a cameo from Ashley Scott as Huntress from the short-lived Birds of Prey television series. Honestly, I bet there will be more than a few surprises in store when the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover starts on Sunday night – until then we can enjoy this final trailer!
Video and Article Image Provided by We Got This Covered YouTube Channel.

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