Thanks To Bad Lip Reading We Now Know Yoda’s Stick Is Better Than Bacon

2 min read

Apparently the other day, Bad Lip Reading uploaded a humorous gift for the world with “MY STICK!” – a sequel of sorts to their popular 2016 music video “Seagulls! (Stop It Now)“. Using footage from 2017’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi we begin to understand how very important Yoda’s stick is to the Jedi Master – in addition to realizing he wasn’t kidding about how horrible he thinks that seagulls really are. And as that 2016 video proved there is definitely reasons for Yoda to despise how he has been treated by those seabirds while venturing down to the beach. That music video for “Seagulls! (Stop It Now)” by the way has passed over 98 million views and even managed to climb it’s way to the #1 spot on Billboard’s Comedy Digital Track list.

Videos and Article Image Provided By Bad Lip Reading.

While the true person behind Bad Lip Reading is at the moment still unknown – his Star Wars related comedy videos have managed to attract some well known followers. From the late and still sorely missed Carrie Fisher to Maya Rudolph, Bill Hader, Jack Black, and even Mark Hamill. Hader, Black, and Rudolph lent their voices to Bad Lip Reading version of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back – it turns out though that Hamill wanted in on the fun – imitating Harrison Ford for BLR’s The Force Awakens video!

I am quite sure that we will see a video or possibly a music video for both The Mandalorian and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker in the near future. Just the pop culture impact of the former guarantees that – I mean just look at how much fun has been had just adding the theme from CHiPs and My Two Dads to The Mandalorian intro. So without further ado, set aside a few minutes and enjoy the new video by Bad Lip Reading and accept that Yoda’s gimer stick is better than bacon!

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