Travis Falligant Presents The Deadly Cuteness Of The Horror Babies

3 min read

Friends, over nearly a decade while working on the Retroist and now on this site I have had the privilege of sharing some of Travis Falligant’s wonderful artwork. Whether that be as part of his popular The Lost Mysteries series of illustrations – throwing Scooby-Doo and the gang of Mystery Inc. into some of our favorite horror films. Or just pieces from his vast collection of pop culture related artwork depicting the likes of Sarah Michelle Gellar, Justin Long, RuPaul, or even combining Universal Monsters and Disney Princesses. Travis’ artwork never fails to impress and thankfully for his legion of fans he is both a proficient and chronic artist – sharing his work online throughout the week. Although yesterday he shared a new piece of art that made my jaw drop… a sort of mashup of Muppet Babies and some of the most iconic slashers in the history of horror films. The adorable but still deadly tykes o’ terror known as the Horror Babies!

Artwork Property of Travis Falligant.

You can almost hear the words for the theme song for the Horror Babies while looking at that artwork, right?
“Horror Babies, we make your nightmares come true

Horror Babies, we’ll make sure that you scream too

When you wake to find us in your room

And you wish that we weren’t there

Just close your eyes and pray for day

You’ll learn your nightmares are here to stay”

Eh, apologizes to Hank Saroyan and Rob Walsh, the writers of the still exceptional theme to the animated Muppet Babies series. There is a very good reason I am working at an arcade and hotel instead of crafting tunes for popular songwriters and hit television shows.
Video Provided by Thats Classic.

Back on point of Travis Falligant’s exceptional Horror Babies illustration, I personally think this is Shudder’s big chance to break into the animation game. How amazing would it to be see the likes of lil’ Leatherface, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, and of course Freddy Krueger in a weekly animated series? I would like to think that with a Horror Babies series the Chucky doll would also get a chance to shine once in a while as well… one question though, who might Travis Falligant choose as the Nanny character in this hypothetical show?

Nancy wouldn’t be a bad choice right? Maybe Mrs. Voorhees?!

I sincerely hope that Travis Falligant has more in store for the Horror Babies – although in the meantime you can keep up with his wonderful artwork by following him on Twitter as well as on Facebook!

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