The Pink Panther – Pink Arcade (1978)

2 min read

Friends, since there are quite a few of us that are hunkering down at home at the moment, I thought it might be best to share a new Toon In offering – for today we have 1978’s Pink Arcade from ABC’s The All New Pink Panther Show. In total the character of the Pink Panther was fortunate enough to have an animated series – that while changing names and finally networks – ran an amazing eleven seasons. That doesn’t even count the spin-off series like Pink Panther and Sons, the ’90s The Pink Panther, or Pink Panther and Pals that ran on Cartoon Network in 2010. Not too shabby of a feat for a character that was originally intended as just an animated intro and outro for the live action Pink Panther movies by Blake Edwards, right?

When The Pink Panther Show debuted on NBC back in 1969 – it consisted mostly of theatrical shorts, featuring both the Inspector as well as the Panther. In following seasons the show would also begin to produce original content as well as share more theatrical shorts that were produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises and Mirisch Films – like The Ant and the Aardvark, Roland and Rattfink, and Tijuana Toads to name a few.

I have mentioned before that The Pink Panther shorts have a bit in common with those Looney Tunes cartoons featuring Bugs Bunny – namely that he is a character that more often than not leaves well enough alone until he is crossed. Although having said that – like you will see in 1978’s Pink Arcade, the Panther is sometimes unmercifully dumped on by forces beyond his control.

As with most The Pink Panther shorts, the synopsis for Pink Arcade is pretty simple. The Panther stops to use a weight machine that is located outside of an arcade – the machine malfunctions and dispenses handfuls of quarters. The trouble begins when Pink decides to spend that money in the arcade… because it would seem like an unseen force is making sure that is the most painful arcade visit in history!

Video and Article Image Provided by Official Pink Panther.

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