New Star Wars: Galaxy Of Adventures Short Is A Moving Love Letter To Carrie Fisher

3 min read

Friends, when we lost Carrie Fisher back in 2016 – I feel that I wouldn’t be overstating by saying that I felt absolutely gutted. I was all of five years old when Star Wars opened in the little theater in my neck of the woods, the Razorback had all of two auditoriums at that point in time. I can recall seeing it on a Saturday matinee and there were a handful of people – when I walked out of auditorium #2 – my World had been thoroughly and forever altered. I had most definitely seen some incredible animated features and even horror movies by then… but what I saw on the screen that Saturday afternoon stunned me. Obviously Star Wars had a similar effect on the World – my Father and I realized that when we returned the next weekend to watch it again… only to find a line of people wrapped around the theater. As I have shared on both the Retroist as well as on this site – Star Wars sunk it’s hooks into me and has never truly released that grip. I grew up idolizing Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniel, Billy Dee Williams, Peter Mayhew, and of course Carrie Fisher – in fact I’m not embarrassed to say I had a massive crush on her while growing up. I grew up with these actors and their characters in the Star Wars universe were in my youth some of my dearest friends – countless hours were spent experiencing that Galaxy far, far away on my living room floor with their plastic counterparts.

Video Provided by MrVintageStarWars.

While I was extremely saddened when we lost Baker in 2016 and Mayhew in 2019… when the news spread about the passing of Carrie Fisher – I had to go into the backroom of my house and have a good cry. If I recall correctly it was the Retroist who gave me the heads up on the then breaking news first – I immediately contacted my Cousin, as we both had grown up on the Star Wars films – sending him a simple text message that read:

“We’ve lost the Princess.”

In my personal opinion it was incredibly moving to get to see the late and great Carrie Fisher finish out a worthy arc for her character as Leia Organa – even after her passing. Whether as a Princess, Senator, or General – thanks to Fisher’s performance she crafted a memorable character in Leia. Which is why I say that this latest Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures short entitled A Princess, A General, A Mentor is a love letter to Carrie Fisher. In addition it features the beautiful line from the recently passed Max von Sydow from 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens… and by the end of this particular short I was most assuredly teary-eyed at the beauty and heart of it all.

Video and Article Image Provided by Star Wars Kids.

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