This Vincent Price Fine Art Training Video From 1962 Is Incredible!

2 min read

Friends, early on in my youth thanks to the numerous films on the late, late show on Saturday nights, his appearance on The Muppet Show, and of course The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo series on Saturday mornings – Vincent Price was an actor I was quite fond of. It might have quite a bit to do with the genteel attitude that came across in many of his roles – even if Price was able to quickly tap into the dark side at a moments notice. Or perhaps it was the fact that it seemed to me as if Price was just enjoying himself in most of his roles, especially when playing the villain like in The Abominable Dr. Phibes or Theater of Blood. In addition when watching him on television it was obvious he never took himself so seriously that he couldn’t have fun with his place in pop culture as a horror icon – whether that be singing a duet with Boris Karloff or as previously mentioned, appearing as the special guest in the first season of The Muppet Show.

Although it was a little before my time, Vincent Price was of course quite well known for both his love of gourmet cooking as well as fine art. It probably had to do with the fact that Price studied Art History while attending Yale University – although to his credit from what I’ve read online he wasn’t a snob about art, believing it should be readily available to the masses. Which is why back in 1962 he partnered with Sears-Roebuck to create the “Vincent Price Collection of Fine Art” – a series that managed to nearly 50,000 prints to the public and lasted until 1971.

Which brings us to the subject of this article – a 1962 Vincent Price Fine Art training video that was made available to employees of Sears, an aid as it were to the sales associate in helping customers who were interested in buying the artwork for their own homes. This really is an incredible video as the warmth of Price shines through – but even more so his passion and knowledge of artwork is on full display.

Video and Article Image Provided by Dr. Gangrene.

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