Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast 1UP – River Raid

3 min read

Friends, for this episode of the Diary of An Arcade Employee podcast we are going to be taking a look at River Raid, that classic 1982 vertical scrolling shooter by Activision. In addition I delve a little deeper into the background information of it’s designer and programmer, the esteemed Carol Shaw – one of the first female game designers. As I do in every Diary podcast I have made sure to share my thoughts on River Raid as well as my personal memories involving the game. Furthermore I have included a few choice quotes and pieces of information in this 1UP episode, the latter is courtesy of an interview between Benj Edwards of Vintage Computing and Gaming and Shaw from back in 2011. The quote is from the September 1983 issue of Electronic Fun with Computer & Gamesin which Carol Shaw explains how she came up with the original idea for River Raid.

Actually, while I do mention this in the show itself, River Raid was one of the top 5 greatest Activision titles picked by the Vault computer for an earlier 1UP episode of the podcast. In addition to those interviews, I also play a small clip from a special video that was created for the 2017 Game Awards – where Carol Shaw was rightfully presented the Industry Icon award.

Video Provided by thegameawards.

While 1UP episodes have a tendency to run a little shorter than the standard episode – not to mention be a little looser in format, I have made sure to include a few vintage audio treats for your listening pleasure.

Friends, I truly do appreciate you taking the time to listen the show and hope you enjoy River Raid!

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