Chucky Is Going To Come Out And Play In 2021!

3 min read

Friends, as I’ve talked about on the Poltergeist episode of the Saturday Frights podcast as well as in the past on the Retroist site – I suffer from Pediophobia. While I am grateful it’s not so bad that I can’t enter a room with dolls – I will admit there is no way I could stay in said room for an extended period of time. While nothing ever traumatic occurred involving dolls that I am aware of, I just feel a great sense of uneasiness overcome me whenever I am around them. Having said all of that, it doesn’t stop me from enjoying a horror movie like the aforementioned Poltergeist or 1987’s Dolls… or even the delightfully fun Child’s Play series of films. Which is a good thing because it was just announced that Chucky which was originally known as Child’s Play: The TV Series is going to debut in 2021 on both the Syfy and USA networks. Best of all it has Don Mancini who not only created the character of Chucky but wrote the scripts for all of the Child’s Play series of films – although definitely not the 2019 remake – along with Nick Antosca (Channel Zero) co-writing and producing the new series. Of course they have managed to secure the talent of Brad Dourif for Chucky – because who else could voice the maniacally evil and humorous character, right?

Now thanks to Syfy we have this summary of what Chucky will be all about:

“In the series, titled Chucky, after a vintage Chucky doll turns up at a suburban yard sale, an idyllic American town is thrown into chaos as a series of horrifying murders begin to expose the town’s hypocrisies and secrets. Meanwhile, the arrival of enemies and allies from Chucky’s past threatens to expose the truth behind the killings, as well as the demon doll’s untold origins as a seemingly ordinary child who somehow became this notorious monster.”

Video and Article Image Provided by SYFY.

It certainly sounds like to me that they are continuing with the story line from the Child’s Play series of film – while giving us fans of the character more lore to enjoy. While no official release date has been provided as of yet – I’ve read online that Jennifer Tilly claims she will be involved with Chucky – presumably continuing the story where she plays a fictionalized version of herself who is possessed by Tiffany Valentine?

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