Friends, my original plan for this review of Bill & Ted Face the Music was to write it on Saturday morning – after seeing the film the previous night at work. Of course, that was unfortunately the same evening that the heartbreaking news about Chadwick Boseman shocked the World. It would be an understatement to say that this latest Bill & Ted film was exactly what I needed after hearing that tragic news. If you have visited the site before you are probably aware that I attempt to provide NON-SPOILER reviews – sticking with moments featured in the film’s trailer. I have no desire to change that practice so I will begin the review after the trailer below. Although I am aware that some of you do not even want to see a trailer before catching the film. So let me just say that Bill & Ted Face the Music is a fantastic film, it is in no way perfect, but it is fun as well as quite moving.
It has been a mere 29 years since we’ve last had the pleasure of seeing Alex Winter as Bill S. Preston and Keanu Reeves as Ted “Theodore” Logan – the best news of all in this review is they have lost none of their charm and chemistry during that time. Things are looking a little dire for Bill and Ted at the beginning of the film, marriage troubles as well as the future success we assumed they would achieve from the last films…. haven’t come to pass. Don’t judge our two most excellent protagonists too harshly though – it can’t be easy to try create a song that will unite the World, right?
All of this is obviously not the best timing for the future to come calling again – a warning that they have only until 7:17 PM that evening to finally craft the song that will save the World… in addition to the past and future. On the plus side though Bill and Ted and the Princesses Elizabeth and Joanna, played by Erinn Hayes and Jayma Mays, have managed to raise two amazing daughters. Billie and Thea are played by Brigette Lundy-Paine (Bombshell) and Samara Weaving (Ready or Not) – and I personally feel they absolutely steal the show.
There is a chance for Bill and Ted to do the impossible however, thanks to having access to a familiar time machine – they just need to travel through time and find a version of themselves that have performed the song. That is easier said and done though – especially when The Great Leader (Holland Taylor) comes to a decision about the prophecy of Bill and Ted’s music… maybe they have to die to unite the World.
Bill & Ted Face the Music benefits from the return of a few of the characters from the previous films – naturally William Sadler still kills it as Death. But the main storyline for the film focuses on both Bill and Ted as well as Thea and Billie – the latter using a time machine of their own to collect some of History’s greatest musicians. This story of Family and friends and even complete strangers coming together in a time of need – well – is just something the World needs at this moment.
I truly feel that Bill & Ted Face the Music will benefit from multiple viewings – the humor is almost non-stop and a lot of that is courtesy of the various versions of Bill and Ted we meet. The film has some real heart too as we obviously care for the characters involved – but it also has a worthy message… that I can’t touch on as it is very much in spoiler territory. So if you are ready for an evening of most excellent fun – do yourself a favor and rent Bill & Ted Face the Music.
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