Enjoy William Shatner In Eat, Fry, Love: A Cautionary Remix

3 min read

Friends, just as I was about to head home for the day – I was alerted to something of importance that had managed to slip under my radar… today is none other than Star Trek Day. Since 12 PM Pacific Time on the official Star Trek site they have and are continuing to host panels featuring cast and crew from the likes of Star Trek: The Original Series to Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Star Trek: Lower Decks. In fact as I am writing this particular article – the majority of the cast of Star Trek: Voyager is streaming – celebrating the 25th anniversary of the series!

In the little over the year that the Pop Culture Retrorama has existed, we have managed to talk about Star Trek quite a bit. Thanks to the many televisions series, comic books, novels, games, and films that have been produced over these many years – Gene Roddenberry’s initial idea for the Star Trek series as a “Wagon Train to the stars” has transcended mere entertainment and ingrained itself into pop culture.

At the beginning of this article I mentioned I was alerted to the fact that today was Star Trek Day – all thanks to chatting with Ashley Thomas, Allison Venezio, Rockford Jay, and Earl Green. It was Earl who thought that today was possibly the perfect time to share Eat, Fry, Love: A Cautionary Remix – which began as a 2011 public service message featuring William Shatner courtesy of State Farm. Then a year later… they managed to do the impossible… they improved on the PSA by having melodysheep auto-tune the message and produced a Thanksgiving song that might never be topped.

From the YouTube video uploaded by Dingle Dangle, here is the original description for Eat, Fry, Love: A Cautionary Remix:

“In 2011, State Farm teamed up with William Shatner to produce a short video dramatizing an actual accident where the celebrity was burned in a turkey fryer mishap on Thanksgiving. As a result of the video and safety campaign last year, State Farm grease & cooking related fire claims occurring on Thanksgiving Day were carved in half and the daily average for the entire month reached a seven year low. It seems that William Shatner really DID help save the world from exploding turkeys. To get the safety message out in 2012, State Farm worked with John Boswell, aka melodysheep on YouTube, to auto-tune the Shatner turkey fryer video. Called “Eat, Fry, Love: A Cautionary Remix”, Boswell injected the perfect blend of creativity and repetition to create a Thanksgiving safety anthem sure to have families clamoring for a moister, tastier and turkey.”

Video and Article Image Provided by Dingle Dangle.

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