The Wolfman’s Got Nards Documentary Is Being Released On October 27th!

2 min read

Friends, growing up as a Monster Kid meant that when The Monster Squad was released to theaters on August 14th of 1987 – my Father and I were there the following day for the Saturday afternoon matinee. In fact I touched upon that in an earlier Monster Squad article back in May – which showcased a behind the scenes video on some of the work done on the film by the Stan Winston Studios.

As most of you are no doubt aware – The Monster Squad unfortunately did not find success at the box office when it was originally released. Thanks to home video and of course cable – the film was able to find it’s intended audience and develop an amazingly passionate fanbase – so much so that a documentary about the film’s legacy was produced in 2018. One that just so happened to be helmed by Andre Gower – the same actor who played the character of Sean in the 1987 film. The documentary has been earning more than a fair share amount of praise on the film festival circuit these last few years, but now you can preoder the Blu-ray and DVD for Wolfman’s Got Nards on Amazon before it’s released on October 27th. The Holiday treats being released in October just seem to be getting better and better, right?

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A quick look at the Internet Movie Database shows that besides some of Gower’s co-stars from The Monster Squad, they also talk with director and co-writer Fred Dekker (Night of the Creeps). In addition the documentary also interviews the likes of co-writer Shane Black (The Nice Guys), Heather Langenkamp (A Nightmare on Elm Street), Adam F. Goldberg (The Goldbergs), Tom Woodruff Jr. (Death Becomes Her), and Zach Galligan (Gremlins) to name a few.

Now before I close out this article, I feel like I really need to thank Shawn Robare of Cult Film Club – for providing the heads up on the Wolfman’s Got Nards documentary being released. Not only is Shawn one of the biggest fans of The Monster Squad that I know, but he apparently is interviewed on the documentary too!

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