Comic Review: Marvel Comics Gargoyles #3 (1995)

4 min read

Hey there Gargoyles and Pop Culture Retrorama fans!

Are you ready for more Gargoyles goodness? I’m back today with a review of Gargoyles #3 in my breakdown of Marvel’s 1995 Gargoyles comics run. If you missed my review of Gargoyles #2, check it out here.

Here’s a quick synopsis of Gargoyles #3, “Rude Awakening.” 

Scan from my comic.

Gargoyles #3 opens with Lexington getting just what the title of this story suggests–a rude awakening. The descent of the sun occurred just in time for him to avoid being smashed by none other than Tony Dracon. Lex unfortunately chose his ledge to land on at sunrise, but narrowly evades oblivion. Meanwhile, Elisa catches up Goliath and Hudson on her hunt for the Sacrilege killer while also making space for her sister, Beth, in her apartment. Brooklyn and Broadway are nowhere to be found at sunset. Fortunately, they still have the tracker that Lexington was testing in the last issue and are able to home in on its signal. Broadway wakes up to a delightful breakfast and Brooklyn wakes up to Tony Dracon’s men mopping up the crime scene at Sacrilege. Can they help Elisa track down the evidence she needs to arrest the killer? Read up and find out. 

There’s a lot to like about this issue. There’s some careful writing happening across multiple issues, particularly with the tracker plot point. It would be easy with a comic primarily targeted at children to have the story focus on action sequences instead of careful character development and story details. Just like the TV show, the Gargoyles comic delivers not only in the action department but in the story department as well. While there isn’t as much interpersonal drama in this issue as the two previous books, the small interaction we get with Elisa and Beth is still my favorite part. Not that I don’t enjoy the action sequences, mind you, as those are quite wonderful as well, but the interpersonal drama is what makes the story work for me. 

Speaking of action, this full-page spread is probably my favorite of the comic. Check out this scan!

Scan from my comic.

One other thing I found interesting in this issue is the “Written in Stone” letters to the editor page. This section grew from one page in issue #2 to two pages in issue #3! Clearly, the book is hitting all the right notes with the Gargoyles fanbase. 

Scan from my comic.

There are also some great ads in this issue that really take me back. This ad promoting the 4 Marvel Arcade machine giveaway in association with McDonald’s was a dream of mine. I remember seeing this ad and fantasizing, and also slightly panicking about where we could put these arcade cabinets I was certain I would win as a kid. Of course, that never panned out, but it was fun to dream just the same. 

Scan from my comic.

Another one that brought back memories was the Gargoyles/Spaghetti-Os cross-promotion. While Spaghetti-Os retained their signature shape rather than making Gargoyles-shaped pasta, beneath the label were 6 Gargoyles temporary tattoos! Not only that, there were 6 different sets! I remember having a difficult time getting the label off the can to get at those sweet tatts. 

Scan from my comic.

That’s all I have for Gargoyles #3. While you’re waiting for my review of Gargoyles #4, “Blood from a Stone,” tell me your favorite episode of the Gargoyles animated TV series in the comments. As for me, my all-time favorite is the “Hunter’s Moon” 3-parter in season 2. In my opinion, it’s the best arc of the entire series and is very emotionally satisfying. Leave me a comment and let’s talk Gargoyles

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