Captain America Reminds You To Conserve Energy In This 1980 PSA!

2 min read

Friends, you might recall earlier this year we shared a collection public service announcements featuring Spider-Man – in which he touted the desire for receiving fruit after saving the city. We have Rockford Jay to thank for finding those fun PSAs – but the truth of the matter is he has found yet another one – this time featuring none other than Captain America. Released in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy, it found the good Captain doing battle with the likes of the fiery Thermal Thief, the electricity based villainess known as the Wattage Waster, and the frosty Cold Air Crook!
Video and Article Image Provided by Josh Hadley.

Captain America totally gave the Thermal Thief a rather violent stiff-armed response, right?

It might interest you to know that this 1980 team-up between Marvel Comics greatest Avenger and the U.S. Department of Energy also resulted in a comic book being produced – one featuring the Campbell Soup Kids. The trio faced off against the Energy Drainers – made up of two of the same villains from the PSA, with the Cold Air Crook being replaced by Doomsday Man (Who appears to just suck up any type of energy that is on hand).

The giveaway comic was written by the legendary Bill Mantlo (Micronauts, Rom: The Space Knight, The Incredible Hulk) – with pencils being handled by Herb Trimpe (The Incredible Hulk) and Allan Kupperberg (Blue Devil).

What I find to be a little curious is how I never received a copy of this particular comic book. I bring that up because both my Grandfather and Grandmother worked at the local Campbell Soup plant their entire lives – they received some pretty amazing gifts over the years too. You would think the company might have passed out the comic books to their staff for their kids and such, right?

In finishing out this article – I will admit that I hopped over to eBay and found an issue for sale – although perhaps a little higher than I’m willing to pay for a novelty comic. Did any of you possibly have the comic back in the day or remember seeing that 1980 public service announcement back in the day?

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