Tremors: Making Perfection

2 min read

Friends, the other evening on the Saturday Frights watch party we enjoyed 1990’s Tremors – which was convenient as when we had finished – this recently released documentary was shared with me. Tremors: Making Perfection interviews the likes of Kevin Bacon (Footloose, The Hollow Man), Michael Gross (Family Ties), Ariana Richards (Jurassic Park), as well as some of the crew such as Alec Gillis (Starship Troopers, Death Becomes Her) and director Ron Underwood (City Slickers, Mighty Joe Young) to name just a few. Through the half-hour documentary you’ll get to hear from S.S. Wilson and Brent Maddock, the screenwriters for Tremors, who started with an idea that was originally entitled… Land Sharks.

After watching Tremors: Making Perfection, it appears that everyone involved had a wonderful experience while making the picture. Although it bears pointing out that even after Kevin Bacon had signed on for the role – he had quite a few reservations about the finished film itself. To put it mildly.

During the documentary you will get to see quite a bit of behind the scenes footage – especially in regards to the work of Alec Gillis, who along with Tom Woodruff Jr. and the late and great Stan Winston, co-founded the special effects house Amalgamated Dynamics back in 1988. Not to give too much of Tremors: Making Perfection away but Alec was buried in the Graboid suit for the scenes where they burst out of the ground… left there underneath the ground for sometimes up to an hour!

Video Provided by Movieclips.

Now I have discussed my experiences with Tremors along with the Projectionist on an earlier episode of the Saturday Frights podcast – but there is definitely some information in this documentary that that was new to me. A quick heads up, there is a little bit of LANGUAGE in the documentary but nothing too bad – the CREDITS SEQUENCE however becomes pretty blue.

Video and Article Image Provided by Tremors.

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