A Creepshow Animated Special Debuts On October 29th!

2 min read

Friends, as originally posted back at the end of September, while we are not lucky enough to be getting the second season of Shudder’s Creepshow this Season – we are at least being gifted two terrifying tales courtesy of A Creepshow Animated Special. The original information for the upcoming special stated that it would debut on Shudder on October 26th – it appears that the Creep needed a little extra time however as the new date is now Thursday October the 29th. The delay is understandable as the trailer for A Creepshow Animated Special reveals – the Creep himself is doing all the hard work of animating the Holiday treat!

A Creepshow Animated Special will feature two stories from Father and Son duo, Joe Hill (NOS4A2) and Stephen King (Salem’s Lot). The former has contributed a short story entitled Twittering from the Circus of the Dead – which was initially published in the 2010 collection entitled The New Dead. In my opinon, what little that actually might be worth, if you are a fan of the zombie genre you totally need to add the book to your personal library. In this adaptation by Melanie Dale, it is Joey King (The Act, Fargo) that lends her voice to the animated segment about a bored teenager who is in for the shock of her life.

Stephen King’s 1982 short story Survivor Type, which originally was published in the horror anthology collection entitled Terrors – has none other than Kiefer Sutherland (The Lost Boys, Young Guns) portraying a shipwrecked man… who must face some extremely gruesome choices to survive. I believe that it is Creepshow showrunner Greg Nicotero that has handled the the duties for adapting this memorable short story.

Video and Article Image Provided by Shudder.

In closing out this article, besides The Mortuary Collection, A Creepshow Animated Special is what I have been most looking forward to watching this Season – and as it debuts just a few day before Halloween – it will certainly make for a most delightful treat. I will be sure to provide a non-spoiler review after I have the pleasure of checking it out for myself.

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