Check Out A Leaked Episode Of Star Wars Detours… While You Can

3 min read

Friends, earlier this evening I was sent a link to this uploaded video on YouTube – it appears to be a leaked episode of the Star Wars Detours animated series entitled Dog Day Afternoon. This is amazing and bizarre at the same time – for one thing Star Wars Detours is a CGI-animated series that was headed up by Seth Green and Matthew Senreich of Robot Chicken fame. A most assuredly comedic look at the Star Wars universe – which I suppose is to be expected considering the showrunners. The then upcoming series was announced back in 2012 at the Star Wars Celebration VI event – but was put on the back burner by Lucasfilm the following year – as the talks for the new Star Wars trilogy had begun. In an interview with Seth Green through a Reddit Q & A from 2013, he pointed out that since a new trilogy was underway, it might not be in Disney’s best interest for new fans of the franchise to have their first introduction to the Star Wars universe be a comedy series that was set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Although in that interview it certainly sounds like Green was hopeful that Star Wars Detours would see distribution after the new trilogy had concluded – especially since 39 episodes had been finished and they had scripts for 62 more.

Now, before I share this video that was uploaded somehow on YouTube – I am going to say a few things. First, I doubt that this will remain up for very long, so I hope you get a chance to check it out before it is pulled down because it’s quite funny. Secondly, it should go without saying that Pop Culture Retrorama has NOTHING to do with uploading this 6 minute episode of Star Wars Detours – we are just sharing it in the interest to all fans of pop culture – a look at what could have been.

Star Wars Detours - Title Card - 2013

So, without further ado enjoy Weird Al Yankovic as 4-LOM and Andy Richter as Zuckuss, including an hilarious Easter egg regarding when the action figures were originally released back in 1982, pointed out by the esteemed Earl Green I might add. In addition you have Ahmed Best voicing Jar Jar Binks, with Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.
Video and Article Image Provided by Sanders Presents.

Who knows, perhaps if fans react favorably enough – Disney+ might actually release Star Wars Detours?

Update: That didn’t last very long – but it is understandable why Disney would pull that leaked episode. So, how about checking out a little of the fun from the clips presented at the Star Wars Celebration IV?

Video Provided by Adam Haselwood.

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