Phosphor Dot Fossils: JingleDisk Supercut! (1985)

2 min read

Friends, Earl Green has just released a brand new Phosphor Dot Fossils video on YouTube. A special presentation of the iconic “JingleDisk” software from ThoughtWare – originally released back in 1985 or possibly in ’86. This was a Holiday themed piece of software that was made available for the Apple II, Commodore 64, DOS, as well as the Atari home computers. As Earl points out himself in the video, this was intended to be run on a computer in the background as folks went about their Holiday festivities. Although in my case, I have just been sitting here with my eggnog, having quite the fun watching this montage of the JingleDisk program – enjoying seeing how it looked on the popular home computers of the day!

JingleDisk was actually sold in stores, although I do not recall ever seeing it in any of the local computer shops back in the day. Besides presenting an animated story it also allowed for the printing of simple greeting cards – using what appears to be screenshots from the animation itself. In addition during the story it would cheerfully play “Jingle Bells”, “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”, “O Christmas Tree”, and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” among others.

As stated on the back of the JingleDisk software packaging for the Commodore 64 version:

“Start a new Holiday tradition. Share the music of the season with your friends and your computer. Even Scrooge will get into the spirit when your computer plays favorite holiday tunes, and enchanting characters dance across the screen. This new computer story is delightfully animated to thrill young and old, elves and gremlins. And Santa, too.”

In my brief research online I have not been able to find anything concrete in regards to the pricing of the software – although I would imagine that it was not too expensive. One must assume it was designed to be picked up at the counter at the store, right?

Now without further ado, enjoy the JingleDisk Supercut courtesy of Earl Green and Phosphor Dot Fossils!

Video and Article Image Provided by theLogBook.

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