Beware The Sweet Horror Of The Ghostbusters: Afterlife Mini-Pufts!

3 min read

Friends, as a fan of the Ghostbusters franchise, from the original film in 1984 to the various animated series, toys, video games, and more – one of the hardest things to accept in 2020 was seeing Jason Reitman’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife keep getting pushed back further and further from the originally scheduled release date. Of course with the pandemic it is more than understandable why the film studios decided that it wasn’t best to release any of their big pictures at the time, what with some theaters just now getting the chance to open their doors back up to the public. Having said that however I have been anxiously awaiting the proposed release date of November 11 of this year to finally check out Ghostbusters: Afterlife… or at the very least a new trailer since the last one was released back in December of 2019.


Now I personally feel that there is a whole lot of affection for the Ghostbusters series in that trailer, in fact that is pretty much exactly what I said when I first wrote an article about it. It makes a lot of sense though considering that Jason Reitman (Juno) is the son of Ivan Reitman (Heavy Metal, Stripes), who of course directed the first two films in the franchise.

In addition Ghostbusters: Afterlife, while I do firmly believe is going to act as a passing of the torch to a new generation, is allowing for a reunion of the the original surviving cast members as I understand it. Although it is somewhat heartbreaking to think of the likes of Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Annie Potts, Sigourney Weaver, and Bill Murray getting back together without the legendary Harold Ramis… I think that trailer totally plays it’s hand in that Ghostbusters: Afterlife is honoring the actor and his character of Egon Spengler.

That is a long way around to the point of this article, earlier this afternoon a short video was released to the official Ghostbusters YouTube channel, a reveal of a familiar character from the original film. Well, sort of, because as Mr. Grooberson (Paul Rudd) is about to find out when he is introduced to the Mini-Pufts… sweet, sweet and horrifying carnage is afoot.


I absolutely love the Terminator 2: Judgement Day reference in that clip, but the gleeful way the Mini-Pufts go about setting themselves on fire is so very creepy. Although I am going to have to crib from one of the comments from the video, it is nice to see that people weren’t put off on the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man brand after the icon was used as the form to bring about the end of the World by Gozer, right?

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