The Monster Cereals Bid You Welcome To The Monster Mash!

3 min read

Friends, come this October there are a few things that all of us ‘Autumn People’ should be looking forward to. From the changing of the leaves and the merry glow of jack o’lanterns, to decorating our homes after paying a couple of visits to the Spirit Halloween stores. And if we are lucky we should also be sitting comfortably in theaters watching the likes of the Guillermo del Toro produced Antlers as well as Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho… oh… there is also the MUCH anticipated Halloween Kills too!

But as was revealed last week, there is yet another reason to get excited about October, because it will be around that time that General Mills releases their brand new Monster Mash cereal. A flavorful mashing of marshmallows from Count Chocula, Frute Brute, Fruity Yummy Mummy, Frankenberry, and of course the greatest General Mills Monster Cereal ever produced – Boo Berry!

VIDEO PROVIDED BY CountChoculatte.

Just in time too, as this year happens to mark the 50th anniversary of the General Mills Monster Cereals. It was back in March of 1971 that Franken Berry and Count Chocula hit store shelves, with the esteemed Boo Berry making his debut the following year. Fruite Brute as the cereal was originally called made its arrival in 1974 and managed to be produced until 1982. Fruity Yummy Mummy though was actually the newest Monster Cereal from General Mills, hitting store shelves in 1988 and being shoved back into his sarcophagus by 1990.

VIDEO PROVIDED BY CountChocualatte.

The fandom for the General Mills Monster Cereals is pretty large and quite loyal, waiting patiently every year for when Franken Berry, Boo Berry, and Count Chocula are released – a chance to enjoy that delicious treat once again. And while we do not know when the Monster Mash cereal will be released this year, at the very least from the Walmart site we have this information:

“CEREAL: Berry-flavored frosted cereal with frightfully-fun marshmallows.
MASH-UP OF ALL MONSTERS CEREALS: For the first time ever, pieces from all Monster Cereals are together in one bowl.
RETRO DESIGN: Classic character designs to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Monster Cereals (including the return of Yummy Mummy and Frute Brute).
MONSTER MASH EDITION: Special edition box that takes you to the Monster Cereals remake of the Monster Mash song.
MONSTER CEREAL HISTORY: Learn when all the Monsters stepped onto the scene and rocked the world.”

In closing out this article, a big thank you to Cerealously on Twitter for sharing the box art for the General Mills Monster Mash cereal!

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