Pop Culture Retrorama Podcast Ep. 06 – Summer Special 1

3 min read

For the sixth episode of the Pop Culture Retrorama Podcast we are presenting the first of our Summer Specials. Like the special guests upon our show today – I am more than positive you too have some favorite memories that involve Summer. I am just as positive that some of them will mirror those recollections of our guests for this Summer Special 1 podcast – or at least close enough you’ll be able to identify with the guest and the stories they’ve chosen to tell. From visiting the local arcade to recalling a scenic vacation spot of your youth, this Summer Special 1 has it all and we hope you will enjoy this latest episode.

Someone tell Bobcat that the Summer Special podcast finally went live!!

On this Summer Special 1 episode I share my memory of the Summer of 1981 when I was able to first see Raiders of the Lost Ark – including the rather harrowing ordeal I went through at a local fair before seeing the movie.

Video Courtesy of Movieclips Classic Trailers

Ashley Thomas was kind enough to share her memories of her favorite food during Summer as well as one of her favorite television shows at the time. Ashley as you probably already know was not only an Author on the Retroist but can be found on Facebook and Twitter as well as her own spot on the internet – The Nerdy Blogger!

I See Robots shares two memorable recollections of his youth during Summer, a hilarious anecdote involving his younger brother and the magic of seeing Nickelodeon for the first time. You probably are already listening to the many shows that I See Robots produces – you can check them out at I See Robots.Com

Our third guest is none other than Earl Green – not just a fellow writer here on the site but a kind soul who shares his favorite birthday from back in 1982. Earl has for the longest time provided all manner of pop culture podcasts, videos and books – which can be located at TheLogBook.Com

Last but certainly not least is Anthony Rotolo – who you might very well recognize from the exceptional TV Terror podcast. If you like the Saturday Frights Podcast – you owe it to yourself to be checking out Anthony’s own show – for one thing he frequently has some amazing guests on his podcast. You can check all of that out at the official TV Terror Podcast site!

Make sure to put on some sunscreen, grab your favorite beverage and join us on the Pop Culture Retrorama Podcast for the Summer Special 1

If you have any suggestions for topics you would like for us to cover in a future episode -or possibly you have comments on the current show itself, email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and on Facebook. As always the music at the beginning and ending of the Pop Culture Retroram Podcast was provided by Earl Green!

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