TV Shows

1972 Appearance of Rod Serling On The Dick Cavett Show

4 min read

Dick Cavett interviews Rod Serling about the loss of creative control on Night Gallery.

Movies Rest in Peace TV Shows

Man(dalorian) Down: R.I.P. Jeremy Bulloch

4 min read

With the sad news on the passing of Jeremy Bulloch today – Earl Green looks at the actor’s vast career in film and television.

TV Shows

Blake’s ’70s

9 min read

Earl Green gives a deep dive into the history of the exceptional Blake’s 7!

TV Shows

Ranger Things: The Curiously Short Life Of “Space Rangers”

7 min read

Earl Green tackles Space Rangers… the science fiction series that was doomed from the start.

TV Shows

Wizards, Warriors, And An Inconceivably Short Series

8 min read

Earl Green gives you the lowdown of Wizards and Warriors – the CBS TV series inspired by the popularity of Dungeons and Dragons.