2001 Artists (by group or surname) Non-Soundtrack Music S Seth Sternberger

Seth Sternberger – Unfortunate Brain Chemistry

Seth Sternberger - Unfortunate Brain ChemistrySeth Sternberger, the indie remix guru behind the sublime 8-Bit Weapon, also does the modern thing – and does it well – in Unfortunate Brain Chemistry. Seth’s jams run the gamut from traditional techno to the 2001 entry in the “Fifth Element Diva Dance competition” (something I award to the first person in a given year who sticks a beat on top of an operatic female vocal). The operatic track in question, “Venus”, is a beauty, and its placement early on in the tracklist nicely subverts whatever expectation you might have of what you’re listening to. Other favorites on here include the childlike-but-mechanical “Robot Kindergarten”, some retro kitsch courtesy of “Trite Little Disco Bunnies”, and the drum-heavy “Agonizing Truth About Love”.

There are some so-so tracks as well, namely the bits-of-recorded-conversation-over-breakbeats tracks “Chicks Dig Me” and the eyebrow-raising “My X Is A Whore”. (Erm…okay, Seth. Thanks for sharing!) “Chicks Dig Me” sounds like a lo-fi recording of someone’s phone sex conversation under a funky rhythm track. If you’re into that sort of thing. (Probably says more about me than it does the CD, but I’ve 3 out of 4actually gotten to like that one with repeated exposure.)

Unfortunate Brain Chemistry is a bit of a mixed bag, but it shows Seth Sternberger’s ability outside of the blip-tone genre, and certainly makes for an interesting contrast.

Order this CD

  1. Coal (4:28)
  2. Venus (2:45)
  3. Femachine (5:00)
  4. Chicks Dig Me (2:47)
  5. Frequency Push (4:12)
  6. Robot Kindergarten (2:28)
  7. My X Is A Whore (3:12)
  8. Waiting Remix (3:17)
  9. Trite Little Disco Bunnies (3:17)
  10. Agonizing Truth About Love (4:59)
  11. Don’t Play This Backwards (2:40)

Released by: Brainscream
Release date: 2001
Total running time: 39:05

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