Digital Retro Revolution – Save The Humanoids

2 min read

Bringing back the remixing mastery of Tony Fox NYC, Digital Retro Revolution picks up where Fox’s I Am Humanoid left off – slammin’ beats, video game samples galore, and frequently-hilarious out-of-left-field samples from other sources punctuating the proceedings.

Save The Humanoids goes further afield than the arcade for its source sounds, however, and hits a whole new level of musicality. “Final Fantasy Laguna Battle Remix” is a great example – it’s a simple enough tune from a classic game, but with added layers of rhythms and other elements, it only enhances the original. Similar treatments built around the simple tunes from games such as Galaga, Crazy Climber and Tron are just as effective. Also included are remixed versions of Buckner & Garcia’s 1982 singles “Pac-Man Fever” and “Do The Donkey Kong”. Man, the fun that could’ve been had with “Froggy’s Lament”…

“Adagio For Humanoids” takes things in the opposite direction, taking non-musical sounds and trying to make rating: 4 out of 4them musical, building Barber’s “Adagio For Strings” out of game samples. And once again, there’s a dandy hidden track straight out of the brassy, Sound of Philadelphia 70s to close things out.

How much you get out of Save The Humanoids will depend a lot on how much you enjoy hearing these samples, but for those who remember these games by heart, this is your soundtrack.

Order this CD

  1. It’s Wacked Man (Ms. Pac-Man Remix) (3:02)
  2. BLIP-NOT-TICK (3:12)
  3. Adagio For Humanoids (5:01)
  4. CentiMillipede (1:38)
  5. Save The Humanoids (2:35)
  6. Go For It! Crazy Climber Remix (1:45)
  7. Triple Punch Bop (2:15)
  8. Humanoids & Asteroids (The Buck Out Edit) (3:39)
  9. GaLaGaLaXiaN (1:32)
  10. Carnival 2005 (2:18)
  11. Zelda Vs. The Humanoids (4:05)
  12. Humanoid Master (Underground Edit) (2:01)
  13. Stop, Judge (Karate Champ Remix) (2:30)
  14. Tetris On The Runway (2:47)
  15. The Lair Of Tron (2:04)
  16. Pac-Man Fever Remix (4:56)
  17. Do The Donkey Kong Remix (3:35)
  18. Robotron: 2005 (3:00)
  19. Star Humanoid (2:56)
  20. Final Fantasy Laguna Battle Remix (4:48)
  21. Hey Porcupine! (Sonic Remix) (1:55)
  22. Ghouls, Ghosts & Goblins (2:01)
  23. Knock Him Out! (Hardcore Humanoid Edit) (1:37)
  24. Humanoids Reprise (3:04)
  25. ? Hidden Track (3:35)

Released by: Digital Press Records
Release date: 2005
Total running time: 72:01

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