Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast Ep. 029 – Rampage

3 min read

Wait a minute, just wait a minute. Didn’t we have two brand new Diary podcasts just last month? That is indeed a fact – so you might be wondering why we already have another new episode. Well, it could certainly be that I am spending more time at the arcade these days and it helps to get the juices flowing, my overwhelming desire to share my personal memories with all of you. On the other hand it might also have a just a little to do with the fact that the big screen blockbuster entitled Rampage is hitting theaters today. Although I think with this show I have managed to put together some great memories to share with you in addition to some interesting information on the 1986 arcade classic that the film is based upon!

On this episode, I will admit that I share a rather embarrassing event from my youth – all tied to Rampage of course. In addition I was able to include some pretty special interviews on this particular podcast – interviews featuring Brian Colin, one of the co-developers of the arcade title. Furthermore I share not just my first encounters with Rampage but touch upon the gameplay as well as the legacy of the game series. To say nothing of the fact that as always I have included a few vintage audio treats for your listening pleasure.

Video Provided by Warner Bros. Pictures.

Perhaps you will find that learning about 1986’s Rampage is a good way to spend time while you are standing in line at the movie theater – prepared to see Dwayne Johnson going toe to toe with rampaging monsters?

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If you possibly have suggestions for future episodes or want to chat about the current show – you can reach me at VicSagePopCulture@gmail.com. You can find me on Facebook or Twitter and make sure to check out the Arkadia Retrocade Facebook page. Or for daily updates you can hop on over to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Facebook page – heck -you can see videos and more fun a couple of times a week by checking out my Instagram page!

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