It Looks Like We Finally Have That E.T. Sequel… Sort Of

3 min read

Friends, this article is coming out a little late and for that I apologize – I try to schedule something to share first thing in the morning, especially when it is something that is pretty spectacular. Such as is the case with the Xfinity commercial that dropped out of nowhere yesterday and for understandable reasons is the number one trending video on YouTube at the moment with over 5 million views. Why? It probably has to do with the fact that A Holiday Reunion is in fact a long awaited reunion between two characters from 1982’s E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Yes, thanks to this Xfinity ad we get to enjoy an E.T. sequel of sorts – with a grownup Elliott and E.T. managing to reunite 37 years after their last adventure. There is an absolute joy at seeing Henry Thomas reprise his role as Elliott as well as some memorable moments from Steven Spielberg’s 1982 film being revisited. However while Elliott mentions to his intergalactic friend that things have changed since his last visit… what has not is how the Holidays can move us – remind us what is most important in life.

Video and Article Images Property of Xfinity YouTube Channel.

Obviously do not get me wrong, it’s not like I do not realize that this E.T. sequel isn’t intended to help sell Xfinity as a service – but I do believe that nonetheless it’s message is sincere. I wish I could actually find out information on who actually was responsible for A Holiday Reunion – looking online I haven’t been able to find anything as of yet. I have at least read that while Steven Spielberg didn’t direct the ad – which is understandable – he apparently was consulted during it’s creation. At the very least I can share with you some of my favorite moments from the ad – the first being E.T.’s introduction to the children of Elliott.

It is assuredly reminiscent of the scene when Gertie (Drew Barrymore) first encountered E.T. in the 1982 film. I felt that the moment in A Holiday Reunion where E.T. experiences virtual reality is intended to hearken back to his choice in beverage from the first film too. My favorite moment of all however is not when Elliott’s children are lucky enough to take flight on their own bicycles – but the reveal that E.T. himself has a Family of his own.

Image Property of Xfinity YouTube Channel.

At the very least we can take comfort by the end of the ad, that thanks to the E.T.’s generosity, the two Families will stay in touch now, right? In the end, no matter why Xfinity created A Holiday Reunion I am happy that we received a Holiday gift by way of an E.T. sequel… sort of.

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  1. 1

    Between the music and the joy of seeing so many reminders (the drawing of ET Elliot did in school is hanging on the all of his son’s room) and especially the scene where Elliot sees ET’s family and gently touches his face then hugs him, it all moved me far more than I expected and left me misty eyed. I have watched it quite a few times and it is one of the sweetest things I have seen in a long time.

    • 2
      Vic Sage

      I absolutely agree, Mike – I will admit that I am possibly too easy to be moved by sentimentality and nostalgia – but like I said in the article, I think this was done with a lot of heart.

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