Tales From A Retro Gamer: Meeting Walter Day – My Epic Fail

2 min read

(Friends, Vic Sage here, Brett Weiss asked me to write an introduction to his latest Tales From A Retro Gamer video – one in which he shares his memories of visiting the Classic Gaming Expo back in 2003. It certainly sounds like from the memories that Brett shares in said video that it was a pretty epic event – with the likes of David Crane (Pitfall!) as well as Garry Kitchen (Keystone Kapers, Pressure Cooker) – to say nothing of Warren Davis (Q*bert) and even Nolan Bushnell in attendance. This event was held in Las Vegas and apparently was the very first retro gaming convention that Brett was able to attend – in addition he shares a few of the treasures he was able to pick up while attending the 2003 CGE!

The main reason for this new Tales From A Retro Gamer video is for Brett to share his memories of first meeting Walter Day – who was hosting a tournament for the 1982 classic arcade game Mr. Do! by Universal. Which just so happens to be Brett’s favorite arcade title of all time, and I might add not only a game I’ve covered on the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast – but quite possibly the Retroist’s favorite game too. Great minds think alike and all that, right?

Not to give too much away but Brett is a very impressive player when it comes to the Mr. Do! home ports on the Colecovision and Super Nintendo – but when tackling the arcade version he was playing against some truly INCREDIBLE Players. I personally think that Brett is far too hard on himself by saying it was an epic fail – but at the very least he has these cherished memories of the event to share with us all.)

Video and Article Images Provided by Brett Weiss.

If you would like to keep up with more of Brett Weiss’ work beyond what he shares on this site, please check out Words of Wonder. You will be able to see the latest news on his recent books he has published and that are coming out – in addition to film and book reviews and more!

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