What The World Needs Now Is The Wisdom Of Brak

2 min read

Friends, it is never my intent to get too serious with the Pop Culture Retrorama site – as the whole point is to have a blast sharing and enjoying all manner of pop culture offerings. However there are times you have to stop and admit… that the World is having a particularly tough time as of late – with the pandemic and self-isolation seeming to fray the nerves of even the most genteel of folks. So I thought it might be a good idea to turn to the wisdom of an individual that saw me through some dark times in my young adulthood – someone who had solid advice every time I turned to him. I am of course referring to Brak, that former intergalactic villain turned celebrity and even star of his own animated series – who with the aid of Space Ghost and Zorak produced a song in ’97 that is just as timely today.

Video Provided by giandee.

Hopping onto Facebook it seems like nearly everyone is drawing lines in the sand, about all sorts of situations ranging from politics to even toys and video games. With Brak at least we can all partake in his wisdom from his days in school, such as when he found himself running late for class and earned the ire of his teacher.

Video and Article Image Provided by Zach Tell.

Speaking of school, perhaps those of you with children who are finding themselves getting ready to head back to class – might share this particular nugget of wisdom from Brak. For what little it might be worth, this story has served me well over the years.

Video Provided by jeremy stelzner.

I honestly cannot count how many times writing for either the Retroist or this site that I was contacted with an offer from a monkey to write articles. Although judging by the negative reviews on the podcasts – perhaps I should take them up on their offer – if they weren’t so busy being scientists and such.

Video Provided by atomic.

I guess you just had to be there?

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