New Updates To Disneyland’s The Haunted Mansion On Reopening!

2 min read

Friends, I was extremely lucky to have the chance to visit Walt Disney World in Orlando at a very early age. It was the Summer before I was to begin first grade and my Grandparents felt a trip to Walt Disney World was in order, taking a leisurely drive from our neck of the woods to Orlando, Florida. All in the comfort of a rather large RV, although we made plenty of stops to stretch our legs and visit one or two roadside attractions as well as a few beaches (Perhaps I might share the jellyfish or snake story one of these days). It was a magical trip to say the very least although it did confuse my Grandparents why I was absolutely terrified during the Snow White’s Adventures ride, covering my eyes with my hands and refusing to remove them until it was over. Having said that however I could not get enough of The Haunted Mansion, dragging them into the queue over and over again, cackling with joy as we rode our Doom Buggy through that delightful and welcome home for the 999 happy haunts that reside within.

You tell them, Madame Leota!

And while I was able to experience the thrill of The Haunted Mansion at Walt Disney World two additional times in my life, I have not yet had the pleasure of visiting Disneyland in Anaheim, California. But thanks to the Disney Parks blog, it was revealed that when the theme park reopens at the end of April, the Disneyland Haunted Mansion is going to have a few new additions. From a portrait entitled “April to December” that will now proudly hang in the portrait hallway to additional monuments to beloved pets such as Old Flybait the frog (“He Croaked”) outside of the mansion.

In fact thanks to the Disney Parks YouTube channel you can get a brief look at what to expect when Disneyland reopens on April 30th. As a bonus it appears that the video is narrated by none other than Disney Imagineer Kim Irvine, who just so happens to be the daughter of Leota Toombs, the original Imagineer who provided the face of Madame Leota and the voice of the Ghostess in the final scene of The Haunted Mansion!


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