Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Wave 3 (1999)

Star WarsReleased simultaneously with waves one and two, the third wave of Episode I figures delved into relatively minor characters. Arguably, of the third wave’s characters, Boss Nass got the most screen time in the movie, which isn’t really saying a whole lot. Mace Windu was also highly visible, but sometimes I feel this was due to the character’s prominence in the two trailers that promoted the movie months before its release.

Star Wars Episode I Boss Nass figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green / Star Wars Episode I Ki-Adi Mundi figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green /

To differentiate it from the “sneak preview” Mace Windu figure which was made available in 1998, this version of the Jedi Master included a removable cloak and an arm with an extra joint for a little more lightsaber flexibility. Four-armed Ody Mandrell, a very briefly seen Pod Race contestant, was such a small (and, quite honestly, flimsy) figure that Hasbro included a ubiquitous Pit Droid to justify that figure’s price tag.

Star Wars Episode I Ody Mandrell and Pit Droid figures - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green / Star Wars Episode I Chancellor Valorum figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green /

Star Wars Episode I Mace Windu figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green /

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