In The Palace Of Jabba The Hutt

Star WarsIf the cantina scene from the original Star Wars was a gold mine for moviegoers’ imaginations as well as toy collectors, the opening scenes of Jabba the Hutt’s boisterous inner sanctum from Return Of The Jedi were even more so. Tons of creatures were packed into these scenes – but few of them got the amount of screen time that the Max Rebo Band did. Originally consisting of three members, the band gained three additional members, a new musical number, and a trio of dancers/backup singers in the 1997 revisionist “Special Edition” of Jedi. Actually, I always liked “Lapti Nek” over “Jedi Rocks” any day of the week.

Star Wars Max Rebo Band figures - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green /
Left to right: Droopy McCool, Sy Snootles, Max Rebo, Doda Bodonawieedo, Joh Yowza, Barquin D’an.

The Max Rebo Band figures came in pairs – one figure each from the original movie scene and one from the new Special Edition footage – and were available only from Wal-Mart.

Star Wars Rystall figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green / Star Wars Greeata figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green / Star Wars Lyn-Me figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green /

Another multi-pack, Jabba’s Dancers were part of an early Cinema Scene box set. They look cool, but their range of poses is very limited – and even posing them for the above photos scared the bantha poodoo out of me because their limbs are so incredibly thin, I feared they might break.

Star Wars Princess Leia in Slave Garb figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green / Star Wars Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green /

Yak Face and EV-9D9 were two of the more prized rarities from the original Kenner range (particularly the former, never released in the U.S.), but they are among the easiest to find of the new Star Wars figures.

Star Wars Yak Face figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green / Star Wars EV-9D9 figure - photo copyright 1999 Earl Green /

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