Star Wars Episode I: Watto’s Box Cinema Scene

Star Wars Watto's Box Cinema Scene - photo copyright 2000 Earl Green / theLogBook.comMan, I need to get myself into a Star Wars flick someday.

That way, even if I show up for about ten frames of film, I’m almost guaranteed to have an action figure. Need proof? Check out one of the most recent Star Wars Episode I Cinema Scene box sets, “Watto’s Box.” Specifically, Watto’s Box refers to his box seat at the Boonta Eve pod race, which he shared with some really odd company.

Star Wars Graxol Kevyyn figure - photo copyright 2000 Earl Green / Star Wars Shakka figure - photo copyright 2000 Earl Green /
Star Wars Watto figure - photo copyright 2000 Earl Green / theLogBook.comThe set includes figures of Watto, an enormous “Lord Of The Rings”-lookin’ dude named Graxol Kelvyyn, and Shakka, a scantily-clad, red-skinned Twi’lek slave girl. The background, supposedly the interior of Watto’s box seat, wasn’t seen very clearly in the film itself, so I can’t tell how authentic it is; I thought it looked more like Watto’s shop than his box seat.

The unwieldly Graxol Kelvyyn figure easily goes down in history as the largest non-creature Star Wars action figure ever made in the 3 3/4″ scale, standing nearly twice as tall as any other figure you’d care to name, and dwarfing the tiny Watto figure in this set. The big guy has some decent articulation, but damned if I know where to put him on my toy shelf!

Shakka, like Graxol Kelvyyn, barely gets any screen time, but a decent action figure (and hey, in the Lucas universe, that’s all that counts). She wouldn’t be out of place alongside Oola, Jabba’s dancers from the Special Edition of Return Of The Jedi, or Princess Leia as Jabba’s prisoner.

If there’s a disappointment here, it’s Watto himself. His legs barely move, and unlike the other figures, it’s virtually impossible to get him to stand up – he’s molded to be sitting down. This is why, in his picture on this page, he appears to have a hangover.

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