Telly Savalas Explains To Coca-Cola The Importance Of Sponsorship!

2 min read

Friends, the other day when I was wrapping up my work for the day, Rockford Jay popped in and wanted to share something he had found online. It turned out to be this short filmed explanation by Telly Savalas to the Coca-Cola Company on the wisdom and importance of advertising on television – to reach a larger audience during the Summer months. It is barely over two minutes in length with Telly Savalas filmed on the set of his popular Kojak series laying all the information down a little like his character of Lieutenant Theodore Kojak. While he might be missing his trademark Tootsie Pop – this ’70s pitch to Coca-Cola on the importance of sponsorship features a good look at those original Coke cans as well as some good-natured ribbing of other CBS shows of the time.

Video and Article Image Provided by robatsea2009.

Telly Savalas might be best remembered for his character in Kojak – although I first saw him in a late, late show broadcast for 1972’s criminally overlooked Horror Express. A classic film that allowed Savalas to share the screen with the likes of Sir Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing!

Video Provided by Trailers from Hell.

As I grew up thanks to those Sunday afternoon movies on the SuperStation WTBS and eventually the renting of VHS tapes – I would become familiar with Savalas’ work in the likes of Beau Geste (The remake from ’66), The Dirty Dozen, The Assassination Bureau, Capricorn One, and one of my favorites – Kelley’s Heroes.

Video Provided by Movieclips Classic Trailers.

In my youth I knew of Kojak but it wasn’t a show that my Family watched – although I can tell you that my Grandparents did watch both Barnaby Jones and the extremely popular Hawaii Five-O series. No matter what Telly Savalas might have jokingly thought of them from that sponsorship pitch.

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