Action Figures Science Fiction Star Trek (Playmates)

Star Trek: The Movie Era (1996)

Star Trek1996: Voyager was over a year old, First Contact was on the way, and Worf had been a fixture on Deep Space Nine for several months. In a way, this time frame was the last hurrah for Star Trek merchandising, before the public tired too much of the franchise. Playmates, having seen very limited success with its lines of Deep Space Nine and Voyager action figures, folded all of its Star Trek toys into a generically-packaged range whose blister card simply bore a movie-era “Star Trek” logo. While continuing to introduce characters from the later series, Playmates also acceeded to fan demand for more version of the classic Star Trek characters. … Read more

Action Figures Star Trek (Mego)

Star Trek: The Motion Picture Action Figures

Star Trek: The Motion Picture action figuresIf you believed the advertising hype, Star Trek: The Motion Picture was going to be the next Star Wars. Now, of course, we all know it wasn’t, but that’s beside the point – we still got some decent toys out of the whole thing.

Mego, who also made toys based on the Buck Rogers TV series and Disney’s The Black Hole, (and had earlier based a 12-inch G.I. Joe-style line of figures on the characters as they appeared in the original series, opted for figures with no more articulation than the original Kenner Star Wars figures (whereas the Buck Rogers and Black Hole toys borrowed the nine-jointed design of Mego’s popular Micronauts toys). … Read more